Looking at our own portraits gives us a different perspective of the reality we live in. different perspective of the reality we live in. It makes it easier for us to decide what we what we want to maintain and what is preventing us from moving forward.

At FOCCUS we have developed a unique methodology in the market, combining portrait and landscape photography combining portrait photography and executive coaching. We accompany people to develop their maximum potential and optimize their performance through the optimize their performance by working with images.

Our Photo CoachingĀ® processes are composed of of an initial photo session conducted by an executive photographer coach photographer coach in which, after establishing the necessary context, multiple studio portraits are multiple studio portraits are taken. The result is worked on in a final viewing session in which the information that emerges from the images and the information that emerges from the images is collected and objectives are set concrete actions.

The portraits shown on this website are incomplete to protect the identity of our protect the identity of our clients